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Please note, membership fees are non-refundable. |
RELEASE WAIVER FOR MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION / RENEWAL FORMAWS Liability Release WaiverI understand that neither AWS nor any of its officers, directors, agents or representatives are responsible for any injury, accident or property loss that may arise out of, result from or relate to any AWS event. I waive all claims, causes of action and damages against such persons for personal injury or property damage which may arise out of, result from, or relate to my assistance/participation in, or my traveling to or from, any AWS related event. AWS Photo ReleaseAs a member of AWS, I hereby agree to allow photographs, videos and likeness of me to be used in print and online materials designed for the news and AWS publicity. Furthermore, I am aware that some photos may be taken at events which include family members, my minor children and friends. I release all claims against AWS with respect to copyright ownership and publication including any claim for compensation related to use of the materials. AWS will obtain my explicit permission on each and every occasion it wishes to associate my name with a photograph in a print publication not owned by AWS or an online site not administered by AWS. |